
TED SCHIFFMAN & ANIMAL IMAGES CORDIALLY INVITE YOU ON A PHOTOGRAPHIC SAFARI TO KENYA THE ORIGINAL SAFARI DESTINATION ( 2023 / 2024 July 12 – July 29) Phone: (office: +1 (802) 362-5287 Cell: +1 (802) 345-4173)

2023 :

Main safari : 12 – 24 July 2023 USD $ 6,595 per person sharing USD $ 1,095 Single room supplement Post Safari extension: 24 – 29 July 2023 USD $ 2,995 per person sharing USD $ 350 Single room supplement

2024 :

Main safari : 12 – 24 July 2024 USD $ 7 ,330 per person sharing USD $ 1,220 Single room supplement Post Safari extension: 24 – 29 July 2024 July USD $ 3330 per person sharing USD $ 350 Single room supplement
Ted Schiffman has been a nature and wildlife photographer for 48 years. His photographs have been published by: The National Geographic Society, the American Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian Institution, the Sierra Club, the World Wildlife Fund, the United States Department of Interior, encyclopaedias Americana and Britannica, among many others. He has lectured at the American Museum of Natural History on the challenges facing the wildlife photographer while on assignment. Ted has also participated in photographed and published work about wildlife research on endangered animal species: California condor, Florida panther, the Peregrine Falcon and the lemurs of Madagascar. In addition, he has co-authored a book on backpacking photography, recently published “Treefrogs Prehistoric survivors with a global message,” and has published essays on polar bears, Bald Eagles, and wolves that have appeared in many newspapers. His prints are collected privately and by institutions and corporations throughout the United States and Europe. In 1972, he climbed to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro and is returning to East Africa for his 35th safari. Ted’s passion, experience and unsurpassed dedication is to his clients. He also has 15 books published



Your journey begins as you board your flight from USA en route to Nairobi, Kenya. Arrive Nairobi, the safari capital of East Africa, where you will be welcomed by Classic Journeys Customer representative who will assist you with your transfer to your hotel for check-in. He will brief you of your program and introduce you to your tour driver who will be with you throughout the safari. After check-in to your hotel, he will leave you with his mobile number and an emergency number for your attention through your safari. Have lunch at a local restaurant and continue to the AFEW Nature Centre near Giraffe Manor where you may hand-feed the Rothschild giraffes that live here. The giraffes were brought here by Jock and Betty Leslie-Melville, who founded AFEW (African Fund for Endangered Wildlife) and built the Nature centre to help educate young African children about wildlife conservation. The Rothschild giraffes are the tallest species and may reach eighteen feet in height, but you can see eye to eye with them on the elevated walkway at the centre. Later proceed to your hotel for dinner and overnight. Overnight: Tamarind Tree Hotel Meals: BLD


After a briefing about the wonderful events ahead, get set for an exciting adventure as you visit Daphne Sheldrick’s Elephant Orphanage at the edge of Nairobi National Park, which is a nursery and rehab centre for infant elephants that have lost their families. The wife of the famous naturalist David Sheldrick, Daphne dedicated her life to the conservation. David was founder Warden of Kenya’s giant Tsavo East National Park, in which he served from 1948 until his death in 1976. Daphne continued her involvement and had real impact on the lives of elephants and rhinos, which would have normally died due to human poaching and surrounding population conflict. You will enjoy a visit with the elephants as they’re brought by their keepers to the waterholes and salt lick to be fed and socialize – see how they roll in the mud, play fight and their affectionate interaction with their keepers. The staff will be on hand to discuss their habitats, as well as impart interesting facts about their upkeep. Their infants are eventually released into the wild at Tsavo East National Park and end up in the care of other orphans who have been successfully reintroduced to the wild.
Lunch will be at an outdoor restaurant. Continue to the Karen Blixen House, the former house of the Danish Baronness, Karen Blixen (1885-1962) author of the book “Out of Africa.” Karen lived in this green residential area from 1914 to 1931 when she left permanently for Denmark. The house was built in 1910 and when Ms. Blixen bought the property, it had 6,000 acres of land but only 600 acres were developed for growing coffee; the rest was retained under natural forest. The house was bought by the Danish Government which offered it back to Kenya in 1963. In 1986, the house, formerly used as a school was transformed to a Nation- al Museum. Much of the original furniture is on display in the house and most objects were either used by Karen herself or for the shooting of the film. You will also visit Kobe Beads and Collectors Den for souvenir shopping. Tonight, a welcome dinner will be prepared for you at the famous Carnivore Restaurant. Overnight at your hotel; Tamarind Tree Hotel Meals: BLD


Begin your safari with a drive to Tsavo West famous for the Mzima Springs. This star attraction is a pool of natural water with underwater viewing hides for observing hippos where a gushing supply of fresh, crystal water has created an oasis for wildlife. A specially constructed underwater observatory provides visitors with a unique view into the underwater world of Mzima. The water catchment is divided into two pools; here you can view hippos and crocodiles. The upper pool is occupied by the hippos and lower pool by the crocodiles. The first lodge ever to be built in a Kenyan National Park, Kilaguni Serena Safari Lodge is superbly situated in the shadow of Mt. Kilimanjaro, encircledby volcanic splendour, adjacent to a teeming waterhole and daily visited by vast herds of elephants, buffalo and plains animals with the finest watering hole in East Africa. Inspirationally positioned so that not only all the rooms but also the open-air restaurant, timbered viewing decks and rock-built bar enjoy uninterrupted views of the legendary snows of Kilimanjaro, the lodge also stands central to miles of lion-stalked grasslands, elephant-studded plains and wildlife-teeming bush and is ideally placed for visits to all the park’s prime attractions. Faced in volcanic stone and utilising the natural rocky outcrops of a valley known as ‘the place of the young rhino’, from which it takes its name, the lodge has been designed to blend chameleon-like into the savannah landscape. Cool, tranquil and hushed for optimum wildlife-viewing, the open-air dining area, timbered decks and rock-hewn bar blend the traditional “Khaki and-canvas” look with bright-painted banners, sepia-hued paintings and evocative olive-wood carvings of elephant herds and tail-erect warthogs. The elegantly renovated rooms draw on a sun-gold, sky-blue and bush-green savannah colour palette and have been so styled to provide world-class luxury and a quintessential African aura while featuring private verandahs with views of eternity. Overnight : Kilaguni Serena Safari Lodge Meals : BLD


Today’s drive takes you to Amboseli National Park located at the foot of Africa’s highest mountain, Mt. Kilimanjaro, which Ted climbed in 1972. The snow-capped peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro rises above a blanket of clouds and dominates every aspect of Amboseli. This park only covers 150sq miles but despite its small size and its fragile ecosystem, it supports a wide range of mammals (well over 50 of the larger species) and birds (over 400 species). Years ago, this was the locale around which such famous writers as Ernest Hemingway and Robert Ruark spun their stories of big game hunting in the wilds of Africa. This too, is part of Masai land, and it’s not unusual to see the proud Masai warrior or small children tending their cattle as you traverse their territory. In this land, animals and man have learned to coexist and thrive together, despite the harsh conditions. This is also the park that has been made famous by Cynthia Moss, the noted American naturalist and author who has one of the longest-running studies on elephants. In the shadow of Mt. Kilimanjaro, beside a copse of giant acacia trees and gently flowing natural springs, stands Amboseli Serena Lodge. With Kilimanjaro’s 19,340-foot snowcapped summit presiding over the landscape, the setting is unrivalled. All around the lodge roams the wildlife that has made East Africa legendary; lion, buffalo, cheetah, giraffe, baboon, gazelle, zebra and wildebeest. Influenced by native Masai architecture, the lodge is in perfect harmony with its environment. Beautifully landscaped gardens, unique guest services and exceptional amenities enhance the distinctive ambience. The uniquely constructed guest rooms with en-suite bathrooms, individually appointed with authentic African art painted by renowned local artists, convey a distinctive Masai manyatta mood. Grouped in the manner of Masai Village, each room enjoys a view of either majestic Mt. Kilimanjaro or the expansive Amboseli plains, which are home to herds of elephants that feed on the large, feathery acacia trees. While here, you will have the chance to learn about the Masai way of life and how they have co-existed through the millennia with the wildlife. Overnight : Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge Meals : BLD


This morning board your scheduled flight to Masai Mara, Kenya’s most famous wildlife reserve and the setting for much of the film “Out of Africa,” It is classic savannah grasslands, where animals are plentiful and the vistas spectacular. Here, Masai tend their cattle in concert with free roaming wildlife – all sharing the same land. You will have 3-4 days of wildlife-viewing opportunities in the Masai Mara Reserve, also known as the “Jewel of Africa” inhabited by many of Africa’s most popular wild animals, including lion, cheetah, elephant, leopard, black rhino, and hippo. There are over 500 resident species of birds in the park including ostrich, larks and sunbirds as well as the lovely Lilac-breasted roller. The area is famous for rolling grassland and for the Mara River, which runs through the reserve from north to south. The reserve covers an area of 700sq miles and forms part of the Serengeti ecosystem, hosting the world-famous spectacle of the annual migration of up to two million wildebeest, thousands of zebras and an escort of carnivores as they follow the rains and succulent new grass.
A costly trek as many of the lame, laggard and sick will fall prey to ravenous packs of predators and many more will die crossing the swirling flood waters of the Mara river. You will be in the Mara during prime time for the migration and you are likely to have a front-row seat as it unfolds right in front of your eyes! Optional activities at an additional cost while you are in the Masai Mara include a balloon safari for an exhilarating experience over the Savannah as the early sun rises and the animals are more active. If you wish, for a nominal fee, you can also visit a Masai village. While in the Mara a hippo pool breakfast is included, where you can enjoy a full breakfast and be in tune with nature. The Mara Serena Safari Lodge is an interpretation of a traditional Masai manyatta village of domed huts. Accommodation is offered in 73 guest-rooms, all of which have been styled to mirror the circular motif of a traditional Masai manyatta village of domed huts. The wide-spaced and secluded rooms have been individually styled in exuberant bush colours and feature large spacious en-suite bathrooms. Overnight : Mara Serena Safari Lodge Meals : BLD



Bid farewell to the group departing for the USA and prepare for your next adventure as you fly from the Masai Mara to Nanyuki via Nairobi. You will be transferred to Olpejeta Conservancy, this is a privately owned 24,000 acre reserve. Another adventure begins at your luxurious tented camp with magnificent views of Mt. Kenya. Lunch will be at your tented camp followed by an afternoon game viewing drive. One of only four private wildlife reserves in Kenya, your under canvas experience includes wildlife drives in search of the ‘Big Five’. Watch a parade of elephant, giraffe, zebra and impala come to drink at the camp’s floodlit waterhole and saltlick. Optional activities abound, you may choose to go on a night drive in search of nocturnal species, go on a nature walk or join a rhino patrol with experienced armed rangers to find and monitor black rhino. You will also visit the 200-acre Chimpanzee sanctuary that has been set up here. Overnight : Sweetwaters Serena Camp Meals : BLD


After breakfast, transfer to Mount Kenya Safari Club to arrive in time for lunch. With magnificent views of majestic Mount Kenya, the Fairmont Mount Kenya Safari Club Resort’s 120 luxuriously appointed hotel rooms, set in over 100 acres of landscaped gardens, offer a unique blend of comfort, relaxation and adventure. Its no wonder this Nanyuki resort emerged a winner in the 2013 Travellers Choice Awards and that Travel & Leisure Magazine often positions it in the ‘World’s Top 50’ List. Originally the retreat of movie star and Club founder, William Holden, the Club’s illustrious former members have included Winston Churchill and Bing Crosby. Spend the day relaxing! On your next day visit the Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy which was established in 1967 by the Hollywood actor, William Holden, Julian McKeand and Iris and Don Hunt. The Conservancy also hosts a herd of rare white zebras, shelters orphaned or wounded animals and provides a wide-reaching educational program for young Kenyans. Mt. Kenya Wildlife Conservancy gives orphaned, injured, neglected, abused or frightened wild animals a second chance. The orphanage provides shelter and professional care with the goal to release these creatures back to the wild where they belong. Its known for bongo breeding programme and protection of the rare white zebra. Overnight : Mt Kenya Safari Club Meals : BLD


Today you after breakfast transfer to the airstrip where you will fly to Nairobi. Lunch and shopping will be at a Utamaduni Craft Centre. Here you will shop for souvenirs as you test your bargaining power. The shop specializes in general shopping, arts and crafts, entertainment & media supplies and shipping services. A day room and dinner will be supplied for you at the Crowne Plaza Nairobi, Airport. Soon you are escorted to the airport for your flight back home. As your journey ends, you say a fond farewell to your driver guide and naturalist and promise to come back soon. The next morning your jet lands back in the US bringing with you the memories of all the wonderful sights of Kenya. Overnight : Mt Kenya Safari Club Meals : BLD



• Accommodation as stipulated in the itinerary. • Welcome dinner at your hotel. • Transportation in a chauffeur driven safari 4 X 4 land cruisers with a pop-up roof for easy game viewing & photography • Services of an English-speaking driver-guides, unlimited game viewing drives and parks entrance fees as indicated in the itinerary. • All Government taxes and levies. • Complimentary mineral water per person per day in the safari vehicle. • All meet and greet services. • Ted Schiffman will accompany the group on the main program as your escort for the duration of the safari. • All domestic flights on the main program and the post extension. • 24-hour stand-by contact number. • Meals as indicated in the itinerary. • Guaranteed window seat in each vehicle per passenger. • Two-way long-range high frequency radio communication in each vehicle. • On safari accessories in each vehicle: – First-aid kit, wildlife books, a pair of binoculars, cool box and fire extinguisher.Flying doctor’s coverage which covers you within East Africa for the safari. In the eventuality of a medical emergency, you will be airlifted to Nairobi where you will be taken to a good hospital. Hospital bills are borne by the patient. • Services of a local professional naturalist. Note: We proudly host the greatest number of game drive safaris.


• All items of personal nature e.g. telephone call bills, fax/email bills etc. • Tips and gratuities to driver- guides and local naturalist. • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. • Any additional flight taxes. • Laundry services. • Any other item(s) not included in our itinerary. • Visa fees Please Note that the Itinerary Sequence is correct at the time of writing, and is subject to Change.


Participants: • Must be able to climb in and out of, as well as move around in confined quarters within safari 4X4 vehicles, minibus, and small aircrafts unassisted. People need to be willing to rotate seats when need be. • Must be able to tolerate riding on uneven, bumpy roads (some with many potholes) for long periods of time while game viewing 4-5 hours. • Must be able to stand and/or walk moderate distances when visiting villages, town, or other sites. This walking will be on uneven ground or uphill, often at altitudes many people are not used to. • Should generally be in good health and prepared to travel in locations without medical facilities.
In General, this trip requires: • Flexibility and good humor – unexpected changes rarely happen but may occur. • A spirit of adventure and curiosity. • Interest in and willingness to appreciate a destination with a modest infrastructure and a bending definition of comfort. That being said, some locations are nestled in absolute luxury where pampering is the norm.

Air Schedules.

Choosing the best possible air arrangements for our travelers is always a challenge. We work with many airlines that offer the best level of service, routings and value for our programs. While there may indeed be more direct routings available with another airline, the cost of these flights may not be within the budget that allows us to give you the best value possible. If you prefer to purchase your own international air, please feel free to choose the ‘land only’ rate for this program.

The start and end city for the land only program is Nairobi, Kenya.


n order to book please fill in the reservation form at the back page of the brochure which is also available on our website. Once you send us the booking application, we will send you an invoice in which we will require a USD $1,500 to secure the space then the balance at least 2 months (60 days) prior to your safari. You can pay us direct, via bank wire transfer or online, via PayPal by use of credit or debit card.


Reservations/Bookings that are canceled, reduced in length of stay or reduced in numbers of participants (hereinafter collectively called CANCELLATION) are subject to cancellation and No-Show fees. The scale of charges, expressed as a percentage of the tour prices, is as follows: SEASON 1 (20 DECEMBER – 28 FEBRUARY & 01 JUNE – 31 OCTOBER) More than 61 days’ notice Deposit refunded less 5% handling fee Less than 60 days’ notice 33% Less than 30 days’ notice 100% SEASON 2 (REST OF THE YEAR) More than 56 days’ notice Deposit refunded less 5% handling fee Less than 28 days’ notice 50% Less than 21 days’ notice 60% Less than 14 days’ notice 90% Less than 7 days’ notice 100% Should you fail to join a tour or join it after departure or leave prior to its completion, no tour fare refund can be made. (Please note that if the reason for the cancellation falls within the terms of any holiday insurance policy, which you hold, then the insurance company, subject to the terms of your insurance will normally refund any such charges to you).


KENYA Weather & Climate

Kenya lies on the equator and has a pleasant, tropical climate, but there are large regional climatic variations influenced by several factors, including altitude. Temperatures drop by about 6°C for every 1,000m you climb (or 3.5°F per 1,000ft). Kenya’s daytime temperatures average between 20°C/68°F and 28°C/82°F, but it is warmer on the coast. The coast is hot and humid all year round, but the heat is tempered by the monsoon winds. Kenya is too close to the equator to experience a real winter and summer. There is, however, both a dry and wet season.

Dry season – June to October

June, July, August, September & October – These are the coolest but comfortable months. Temperatures vary significantly per region and because of their difference in altitude. Daytime temperatures are usually around 23°C/ 73°F at higher altitudes, such as the Masai Mara, and 28°C/82°F at lower altitudes, such as the coastal areas. During the dry season, the sky is clear and days are sunny. Early morning temperatures at higher altitude are typically 10°C/ 50°F. It is advisable to pack warm clothing, as morning game drives will be cold. There is very little rain in most of the country, so these are the least humid months, making it the best time to stay at one of Kenya’s beautiful beaches and national parks for wildlife viewing. • Wildlife is easier to spot because the bush is less dense and animals gather around waterholes and rivers • It’s unlikely to rain, the days are sunny with clear skies, and there are fewer mosquitoes • July to October are the best months to see the wildebeest migration

Wet season – November to May

Merits of visiting during this season During the wet season daytime temperatures are between 24°C/75°F and 27°C/81°F at higher altitudes. At lower altitudes daytime temperatures are more consistent and hover around 30°C/86°F. Mornings stay cool at higher altitudes, and it is advisable to pack warm clothes for early morning game drives. From December to April, the humidity is intense in Tsavo and the coastal areas. • November & December – ‘Short rains’: A period of unpredictable, short rains between November and December that lasts about a month. The rain is sometimes heavy, but mostly falls in the late afternoon or evening, and will seldom have a negative impact on your safari. • January & February – During these months, a dry spell in the rainy season occurs with less rainfall. How long the spell lasts and when it takes place exactly is unpredictable. • March, April & May – ‘Long rains’: These months get the most rain, and there can be a downpour on a daily basis, although it seldom lasts the whole day. It’s very cloudy, especially in the highlands, including Aberdares National Park and Laikipia Plateau. Humidity is higher and will be particularly noticeable in the coastal regions.

Merits of wet season

• The scenery is beautiful and green • Rates drop because it’s the low season • Newborn animals can be seen, and in general, you will still see plenty of wildlife • Migratory birds are present from September to April • Except for March, April and May, rains are short showers in the afternoon or evening and will rarely compromise your safari


Passport & Visas:

Each guest must ensure that passports and visas are valid for the countries visited and for the applicable time period, as outlined by the U.S Department of State (www.travel.state.gov) or by the passport holder’s country. Classic Journey’s staff and agents cannot be held liable for any visas not provided by each guest, nor for the cost of obtaining visas.

Pre-departure Information:

Upon receipt of your registration form and deposit, we will send a pre-departure packet to you. This packet contains all the information you need to prepare for your tour, including the complete itinerary, packing checklist, required documents, etc.

Final Documents:

Final documents and tickets will be sent to you approximately 2-4 weeks prior to departure, provided all money has been paid in full.


Optional Air Transportation:

No air transport is included. Contact Classic Journeys for help in arranging flights, we have many special rates with the airlines.


Roundtrip airport transfers are included in the tour for guests arriving and departing the safari



You will marvel at the wonderful accommodations provided throughout your tour. All rooms have private bathroom facilities and air conditioning and/or fans. All rates are based on double occupancy. Most rooms are twin-bedded, but king-size beds are occasionally available and should be requested in advance. Accommodations listed in this itinerary are correct at time of writing, but on rare occasions may be substituted for a different property of comparable quality.


All meals as specified in the itinerary. Please notify us if you have special dietary needs or requests, and we will do our best to accommodate you. When it comes to vaccination and disease prevention, we suggest that travelers first review information provided by the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (www.cdc.gov/travel) and then review those details with their personal physicians.


It is always advisable to drink bottled and/or filtered water when traveling overseas. Safe drinking water will be provided to travelers free of charge in the vehicles, hotels, tents and during meals.


on average, international flights from the USA allow one piece of luggage not exceeding 50 pounds; however, we always recommend that you check your airline’s policy just before departure, as luggage limitations are always subject to change. Despite this weight allowance, we always suggest that guests travel light. Small flights limit us to about 30 pounds. Also, soft-sided duffel bags are ideal for this tour, as they stow best in vehicles and airplanes with limited space.


a) Final Payment

Final payment is due two months prior to departure. Costs of tips/gratuities to driver guides and naturalist guide, as well as any excursion not related to the safari, and other items of personal nature are not included. It is recommended that tips/gratuities should be calculated to driver/guides and the naturalist guide at $20.00 each per day.

b) Accommodation Substitution

Should the case arise whereby accommodation is not available at the quoted hotels/lodges/tented camps, alternative accommodations will be provided at hotels/lodges/tented camps of similar caliber.

c) Diet

Guests with special dietary requirements are advised to notify us 60 days prior to departure.

d) Luggage

Please keep luggage light – soft duffel bags are preferable. Luggage is limited to 15kg (33.lbs.) per person on domestic internal local flights.

e) Changes to Schedule

Although every effort is made to adhere to schedules it should be borne in mind that the Company reserves the right, and in fact is obliged, to occasionally change routes and accommodations on safaris as dictated by changing conditions. Such conditions may be brought by “force majeure” or statutory directive, seasonal rainfall on bush tracks, airfields and game areas, game migrations from one region to another or reservation problems, etc. However, the company shall make all reasonable efforts in resolving the situation not limited to offering alternatives.

f) Airline Clause

Flight fares, taxes and schedules are subject to change without prior notification by the airlines. The company will not be held liable for these changes and delays. The airlines cannot be held liable for any act, omission or event during the time the passengers are not on board their plane or conveyance. The passengers’ tickets in use by the airline or by other carriers concerned when issued, shall constitute a sole contract between the airline and the purchaser of these tickets and or passengers. Please note that the company subcontracts the flying services to independent charter operations, and they are responsible for the flying. The same will apply to train services.

g) Guide Substitution

If one of our guides is unable to take a safari due to illness or other reasons, we reserve the right to substitute personnel.

h) Prices

We will do our utmost to keep prices as quoted or published. Should fluctuation in statutory taxes, exchange rates, etc. force increases on us; we reserve the right to surcharge without notice, up to maximum of 10% off the tour rate.

i) Participant Incompatibility

The company may, at its discretion and without liability of its cost to itself, at any time cancel or terminate the passengers booking and in particular without limiting the generality of the forgoing, it shall be entitled to do in the event of illness or illegal or incompatible behaviour of the passenger, who shall in such circumstances not be entitled to any refund. CODE OF BEHAVIOR • Loud or disruptive behavior inconsiderate to the group’s safari experience or the animal’s well-being is not allowed. • Game drives may be limited for individuals not in compliance with set behavior guidelines at the tour guide’s discretion. • All seats in the safari vehicles have 100% visibility, and seating will be rotated for optimal photographic and viewing opportunities. Private vehicles can be arranged for guests that prefer their own vehicle or their own parties, for a game drive on safari at a surcharge.

j) Fitness

The client acknowledges that the safari can sometimes be demanding -it is his/her responsibility to ensure that he/ she is sufficiently fit and able to embark on the tour.

k) Authority of the Safari leader

Clients will accept the authority and decisions of the safari leader appointed by the Company. The final decision on the itinerary, accommodation and conduct on the safari will be taken by the safari leader.

l) Liability

The company is insured against legal liabilities arising from any injuries which might be received by passengers in its vehicles. The Company’s liability to passengers carried in its vehicles is governed by the laws of Kenya and no other Country, and all claims subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Kenya. The Company reserves the right to employ sub-contractors to carry out all or part of the Services agreed to be supplied and in the event of the exercise of such right the terms of clause relating to The Company is subject to the booking conditions and cancellation provisions of the Travel organizer or the airline concerned. Neither the Company, nor any person acting for, through or on behalf of The Company shall be liable for any loss or damage including property whatsoever and without restricting the generality of errors or omission contained in the brochure or other literature, acts of God, late or non-confirmations or acceptance of bookings, loss or damage caused by delays, sickness or death whether occasioned by the negligence or not. In addition, The Company shall have the right at any time at its discretion to cancel any tour or the reminder thereof or make alteration on route, accommodation, price or other details and in the event of any tour being rendered impossible, illegal or inadvisable by the weather, avalanches, strike, war, government or interference or any other cause whatsoever. The extra expense incurred as a result thereof shall be the responsibility of the passenger. Please be aware that these safaris may take you into close contact with wild animals. Attacks by wild animals are rare, but no safari into the African Wilderness can guarantee that this will not occur. Neither the company, nor its employees, nor its agents can be held responsible for any injury or incident on the safari.

m) Governing Law

All terms and conditions of this agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance to the laws of Kenya, and any litigation necessary to resolve disputes between the parties shall be filed in the courts located in Kenya if such a dispute cannot be solved through arbitration.